“Everybody in this room is about that superhero life.” – James Rhodes/War Machine
My name is Michael Sotos and I have 17 years of experience in the fitness industry. I am the owner of Rogue Valley Fitness Training & Martial Arts, which is based out of Ashland, Oregon.
I currently train clients at a small functional fitness studio located in the Hersey Street Business Park. I also offer online fitness coaching which allows me to help you, no matter where you live in the world. I have a passion for helping clients develop their superhero identity through fitness and martial arts. If you are looking for a fitness coach and martial arts instructor to help you reach your superhuman potential through a comprehensive workout program, please take me under consideration.
I train in several martial arts, which include Jeet Kune Do (JKD) and Filipino Martial Arts (Eskrima-Kali-Arnis). I have been involved in martial arts since high school and have trained intensively over the last 8 years. I currently teach an Eskrima class twice a week and I'm also available for private lessons. Instruction is available online and in person.
In my free time, my interests include outdoor activities such as hiking and stand-up paddle boarding, watching movies (especially superhero and sci fi), and reading (fitness related, business related, philosophy, science fiction, and comic books).
I have a fascination with superheroes and you'll find my office and fitness studio decorated with posters and collectibles. You can often find me rocking some superhero inspired clothing while listening to an epic soundtrack. My four favorite superheroes in no particular order of importance are Wolverine, Batman, Daredevil, and Captain America. My passion for superhero culture is what inspired me to start "That Superhero Life".
I hold the following certifications:
Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Level 1
ACE Certified Medical Exercise Specialist
Online Trainer Certified (OTC)
IYCA Youth Fitness Specialist
Southern Oregon Progressive Fighting Systems-Full Instructor
Jun Fan JKD Grappling Association-Associate Instructor 4
EHAMA Eskrima-Kali-Arnis-2nd Degree Black Belt Instructor

Superhero Name: Lone Wolf
Real Name: Michael Sotos
Occupation: Fitness Coach/Martial Arts Instructor
Base: Hersey St. Business Park
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 180
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Special Powers/Abilities: Able to help people get strong, move better, and defend themselves
Known Allies: Knowledgeable Health and Fitness Professionals, and Honorable Martial Arts Instructors
Known Enemies: Bad Exercise Form, Miracle Weight Loss Products, Fad Workouts, Junk Science, McDojos, and Internet Trolls

Sometimes even when
you get knocked down,
you can still win.
Murdock Motto

“The key isn't winning -- or losing, it's making the attempt. I may never be what I ought to be, want to be -- but how will I know unless I try?
Sure, it's scary, but what's the alternative? Stagnation - A safer, more terrible form of death. Not of the body, but of the spirit.
An animal knows what it is, and accepts it. A man may know what he is -- but he questions. He dreams. He strives. Changes. Grows.” -Wolverine