Going Quantum

"I know you know a lot of superpeople, so thinks for thanking of me." -Scott Lang, Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War
I recently purchased the Marvel Legends Series Ant-Man Helmet, and it's an impressively realistic replica. It lights up and has two different colors, either red or blue. For it's bulky size, it's surprisingly comfortable on the inside. The only downside is it's a bit on the heavy side, so it looks like I'll get a neck workout when I wear it. I'm getting a Quantum Realm suit and I'm thinking about being Ant-Man from Avengers Endgame at the Rose City Comic Con.

My daughter and one of her friends accompanied me to the store to pick up the helmet. I joked with my daughter about how her friend would probably tell her parents about how we had to head to the store to pick up an Ant-Man helmet. I don't think that's a priority for most parents. I'll admit that I'm a bit strange.
As far as the Ant-Man movies go, they have received mostly positive reviews and fall somewhere in the middle of the overall rankings for the MCU Infinity Saga. I didn't know much about the Ant-Man character when I went to see the movies and I didn't have any expectations. I really enjoyed the humor and it was a nice reprieve from the heavier themes in the Infinity Saga.
Laughter has many positive benefits. According to the Mayo Clinic, the physical act of laughter can stimulate organs, activate and relieve your stress response, and soothe tension. In the long term, it can improve your immune system, relieve pain, increase personal satisfaction, and improve your mood.
If you're feeling like watching a superhero movie and catching a few laughs, check out Ant-Man and Ant-Man and the Wasp. If I decide to visit the Quantum Realm this Fall, I will be sure to document my adventure on here and social media.