Online Trainer Academy Review

As many of you know, I recently became a Certified Online Trainer through the Online Trainer Academy.
I've been a certified personal trainer for 13 years. I've worked in several commercial gyms and have run my own fitness studio for the last 4 years. I've worked with hundreds of amazing clients and witnessed many super transformations, but the long hours in the gym can take their toll. A 10 to 12 hour day full of training sessions can really wear me down and damper my enthusiasm. I also deal with the stress of having erratic paychecks. Sometimes clients take time off for vacations or for other personal reasons, and I might not get paid for a long time. I knew I needed to make some changes to my business and adapt to the ever-changing fitness world.
At some point during the last few years, I ended up following Jon Goodman's Personal Trainer Development Center (PTDC) on Facebook. Jon is also the creator of the Online Trainer Academy (OTA). He shared a lot of very useful fitness information on the PTDC and that sparked my interest in the OTA.
The Online Trainer Academy is a significant financial investment. The price kept me waiting on the sideline. However, I came to the realization that the fitness industry was moving in the direction of online training. I took notice of the people at the gym, especially the younger crowd, who were following programs on their mobile devices and passing up on hiring trainers in the gym. I wanted to be able to adapt my business to this powerful new trend. I also liked the idea of opening up my personal training business to the entire world. And finally, the idea of spending less time in the gym and creating a steady monthly income was very appealing.
I was very impressed with the course right from the beginning. When I find something beneficial within a book, video, program, or seminar, I call it finding a gold nugget. You will be rich with the gold nuggets contained in this program. However, I will say this, you really should have some previous experience with training people before you begin. Realistically, you should enter the course already having a firm grasp of exercise physiology and exercise programming. The Online Trainer academy is about building an online fitness business, not teaching you how to be a trainer. There were many tips that stood out from the program, but I'll share two that stood out for me the most.
Do a good job and let people know about it. It goes without saying that we should be striving to do quality work, but you also need to share it with other people or they will never know that they need to hire you. You can make people aware of how you can solve their specific problem and It's easier than ever with social media.
You already have an established network. We are connected with so many people these days through social media. You probably already know more than enough people who would benefit from your training, you just need to connect with them. Build genuine relationships with people and you will have more than enough customers.

The Online Trainer Academy has allowed me to adapt my business for the future. I've also decided to combine one of my passions with my new online fitness business, and connect with a unique niche of customers. At Uncanny Strength & Conditioning, I provide online superhero training. It's about training with purpose to be the best version of yourself by strengthening the mind, body, and spirit, so you can help others. The OTA has given me the freedom to pursue online training and add my own personal interests to it.
I know it's a big financial commitment to join the Online Trainer Academy, but if you're an experienced personal trainer who wants to build a professional online training business, I recommend that you sign up. You'll be able to hit the ground running from day one. The academy will make sure that you have everything in place to have a successful business. Also, Jon Goodman is constantly improving the academy, so a great product will only get better. You can count on it.
If you're interested, here is the link to get signed up. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.